In Memory sorted alphabetically

J. Harold Williams - Year Entered 1962

J. Harold Williams

Gary Alexander (1963)

I am sorry to bring you some bad news that my brother-in-law and fellow 1967 graduate of Ambassador College (Pasadena), Harold Williams died this week, on Tuesday, September 13, 2016.  He had a fast-moving cancer which we only heard about a few weeks ago.  I last saw him about five years ago at a Thanksgiving called by sister-in-law Mary Biedler (Harold's former wife) in Kansas.  We also saw Larry and Anita Bathurst there.  Harold had a full white beard and full white head of hair and was just as jolly as I remember him at AC, where my clearest memory of him is strumming his guitar and singing at beach parties and other gatherings.  He came to AC in 1962 and was a member of Chorale along with me and Karen.  He was a good-hearted prince and will be sorely missed.

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