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•   Brenda Jones (Germano) (1962)  10/21
•   Michael Marlan (1972)  10/21
•   Arlene Johnson (1969)  10/22
•   Alice Dix (Bierer) (1969)  10/23
•   Roth Coleman (1973)  10/24
•   Marjorie Eaton (Gentet) (1962)  10/24
•   Glenda Rankin (Harris) (1971)  10/24
•   Aaron Odell (1968)  10/25
•   Scott Royer (1966)  10/25
•   Linnea Van Landuyt (Haas) (1964)  10/26
•   Dustin Hobbs (1976)  10/28
•   Stephen Martin (B W 1962)  10/28
•   Jonathan Reimann  10/28
•   William Cummings (1974)  10/29
•   John Karlson (1963)  10/30
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•   Keith Stump (1968)  2024
•   Madeleine Bansemer (Fiske) (1960)  2024
•   Norma Dennis (Kelly) (1954)  2024
•   Margaret Sullivan (Adair) (1964)  2024
•   Carol Howey (Blackwell) (1965)  2024
•   Glenn Nice (1968)  2024
•   Marc Masterson (1969)  2024
•   Norma Jean Cokomatch (Shirk) (1961)  2024
•   Stephanie Saracino (Vitale) (1974)  2024
•   Robert Jones (1964)  2024
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•   Tina League (Nikolai) (1974)  10/18
•   Dennis Diehl (1968)  10/17
•   Stuart Segall (1972)  10/10
•   Douglas Wilson (1973)  10/9
•   Mary Dean (Roscoe) (1973)  10/6
•   Gerald Bronkar (1962)  10/1
•   Joan Goodchild (Elliott) (1962)  9/24
•   Gary Ervin (1960)  9/21
•   Bernard Granka (1974)  9/18
•   Wil (Wilbur) Berg (1959)  9/18
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 30.8%
A:   870   Joined
B:   1956   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Bricket Wood Reunion
This November in Florida

When: Nov 14-17, 2024
Where: The Villages, Florida (50 miles from Orlando)
Who: Bricket Wood, Pasadena and Big Sandy students
For details and to register:

For any questions, contact: Annette Weatherly (Forkun)


2024 AC Pasadena Reunion
"Celebrate our unique experiences and friendships as AC students"
Was held: Saturday, July 20, 2024
Where: AC Student Center, Pasadena
Who: Classmates from 13 states plus Canada

Continental breakfast and lunch in the (now Maranatha
High School) Student Center on the still spectacular
campus, plus visits to the Auditorium, Gymnasium, Grove
Terrace -- accompanied by lots of hugs and conversation.

[2024 Reunion in the Student Center, 120 attendees]


2019 AC Pasadena Reunion
"Celebrate our unique experiences and friendships as AC students"
Was held: Saturday, July 27, 2019
Where: AC Student Center, Pasadena
Who: Classmates from eight states plus Canada

Included lunch in the Student Center on the still-beautiful campus, visits to the Auditorium, Gymnasium and Grove Terrace, and lots of good conversation.

[2019 Reunion in the Student Center, 87 attendees]


2017 AC All-Campus Reunion
"Celebrate our unique experiences and friendships as AC students"
The First 30 Years: 1947 to 1977
Was held March 12 – 16, 2017
The Orleans Hotel, Las Vegas

The Reunion Committee thanks all 271 who attended the Reunion in Las Vegas, and also thanks those of you who were unable to be there but sent your good wishes.  It was, indeed, an unforgettable week!!

[Reunion Welcome Banquet, March 12, 2017 -- dinner for 254]

2015 AC Pasadena Reunion
"Celebrate our unique experiences and friendships as AC students"
The First 30 Years: 1947 to 1977
Was held February 27 – March 2, 2015
Hilton Hotel, Pasadena, California

2015 Pasadena Reunion Pictures
Pictures BELOW taken at Reunion in Pasadena on 2/28/2015
Top below: 185 of the 406 attendees on steps of Hall of Ad
Middle below: Hall of Administration & Auditorium
Bottom below: 260 having lunch in Student Center
[Note: Hall of Ad demolished one year later on 2/26/2016]

AC Pasadena Reunion -- Hall of Administration
February 28, 2015

AC Pasadena Reunion -- Hall of Ad from Student Center
February 28, 2015

AC Pasadena Reunion -- Student Center Lunch
February 28, 2015


Join this Reunion website
Click on "How to Join this Website" (upper left of this page) for instructions, then proceed to "Classmate Profiles" to create your password.

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