Ambassador College Pasadena

Local Church Info
If you would like us to post the information for your church service the weekend of the Reunion, just send Carol Stephenson (Taylor) the name, address and service times. Her email address is: CarolTaylor27@yahoo.com
See the "Schedule of Events" tab at the top of the HomePage for the scheduled times of our Reunion weekend events.
Church Services for the Reunion Weekend
Calvary Chapel Pasadena
2200 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA ( 2.1 mi E of Hilton)
(626) 584-9992 · calvarychapelpasadena.com
Service: Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 6:00 PM
Christian Biblical Church of God
Holiday Inn Express, 3500 E. Colorado, Pasadena, CA 91107
Pastor: Fred Coulter http://www.cbcg.org/
Contact Byron Norrod - 626 398-5776
Service: Saturday 11:00 AM
Church of God, a Worldwide Asso. (COGWA)
425 N. Sierra Madre Villa Ave, Pasadena
Pastor: Paul Carter http://cogwa.org/
Service: Saturday 2:30 PM
Church of God, an International Community (COGAIC)
Pasadena Church of Christ, 1727 Kinneloa Canyon Rd, Pasadena, CA 91107
626 535-0445 Contact: info@cogaic.org
Service: Saturday 2:00 PM
First Baptist Church Pasadena
75 N Marengo Ave,
Pasadena, CA (.4 mi NW of Hilton)
(626) 793-7164 · fbcpasadena.com
Grace Communion International
New Hope Christian Fellowship Grace Communion International (GCI)
Eagle Rock Seventh Day Adventist, 2322 Merton Avenue, Eagle Rock CA 90041
Pastor Glen Weber Phone: (626) 376-9273 Email: Glen.Weber@gci.org
Service: Sunday 10:30 AM
NewLife Fellowship (GCI)
Altadena Baptist Church, 791 East Calaveras Street, Altadena, CA 91001
Pastor Bermie Dizon Phone: (626) 590-4985 cell
Email: Bermie.Dizon@gci.org Web site: http://www.newlife3.org
Service: Sunday 2:00 PM
Congregacion Hispana De Cristo (GCI Spanish)
3230 E. Del Mar Blvd.Pasadena, CA 91107
Pastor Mario Lopez Phone: 714 973-2362 Email: mlopez58@sbcglobal.net
Service: Sunday 10:30 AM
Guardian Ministries
434 N Altadena Drive, Pasadena, CA
Pastor David Antion GuardianMinistries
Email: davidantion@earthlink.net
Services: Saturday - 10:30AM
Harvest Rock Church at The Ambassador Auditorium
131 S. St. John Ave,.Pasadena, CA. 91105
Service: Sunday 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
Historic First Lutheran Church
808 N Los Robles Ave, Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 793-1139 http://www.historicfirstlutheran.org/
Service: Sunday 9:00, 11:00 am
Lake Avenue Church Chapel
393 N Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA (0.8 mi NE of the Hilton)
(626) 844-4700 · lakeave.org
Service: Saturday - 5 pm, Sunday - 9 & 11 am
Living Church of God (LCG)
Unity Church of the Valley http://www.lcg.org/
2817 Montrose Ave, La Crescenta, CA 91214
Pastor Stephen Elliott spelliott7222@gmail.com
Stephen Elliott 949.293.9086 mobile, 949.861.3742 home
Services: Saturday 2:00 pm
Mt Olive Lutheran Church
1118 N. Allen Ave., Pasadena Ca 91104
Pastor Mark Jasa MtOliveLutheranChurch
Services: Sunday 9:00 am, 10:30 am
Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church
301 N. Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91103
Services: Sunday 9:30 am, 11:30 am neighborhooduu.org
The Salvation Army
Pasadena Tabernacle Corps http://www.pasadenatab.org
960 E. Walnut St.
Pasadena, CA 91106
(626) 773-4400
Pastors: Majors Darren & Mary Norton
Services: Sunday 10:30 am
United Church of God (UCG)
7th Day Adventist Church
2322 Merton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90041
Pastor Robin Webber http://www.ucg.org/
Services: Saturday 3:00 PM
West Valley Church of God ( part of GCI)
Congregational Church of Northridge
9659 Balboa Blvd.
Northridge, CA 91325
Pastor Rand Holm
Services: Saturday 10:30.