2013 AC Reunion History

History of AC Pasadena Reunion at the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas
(this began as an AC Band Reunion, then opened for years 1964-1974)
Sunday, Feb. 17, through Wednesday morning, Feb. 20, 2013

This first multi-day reunion in February 2013 at the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas began a progression of events that started the ball rolling for future AC reunions.  Prior to 2000 Margaret Dill Zola (AC entering class of 1970) was in Las Vegas at a convention and recognized Joe Bauer who was there.  Joe was the AC band’s originator and charismatic director from the band’s inception in 1964 through 1970.  Joe had worked in Las Vegas for years, had a weekly radio program, “Assignment Adventure” and was the Special Events manager at Caesar’s Palace.  Margaret and Joe talked a little and Joe gave her one or more business cards. At a dinner at the house of Bob and Connie Gerringer in about 2000, Bill Hughes heard about that meeting and Margaret was able to give Bill one of Joe’s business cards.  Bill contacted Joe and went to Las Vegas where he and Joe enjoyed a long lunch.  Joe mentioned having a reunion of some of the band.  However, nothing further developed for years.

The real genesis of a reunion began in July 2011 at the memorial service for Susan Rethford Quincer who had died unexpectedly from an infection.  Bill Hughes heard about the service and called Doug Taylor who attended.  Doug told Bill that he learned that Joe had lung cancer.  Bill called Joe and plans began to form - Bill knew he was the one to begin the reunion planning process.  Joe wanted the reunion in Las Vegas, where he had worked for years, and at the Orleans casino and resort where he held his own family reunions.  Bill started the ball rolling and Carol Stephenson Taylor joined him in September 2011 to try to find band members and others. This AC Band reunion was planned to take place before Joe Bauer’s cancer worsened.  The venue, the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas, was set by early December 2011 but no dates were set. Unfortunately, Joe died late December 2011 before the reunion could take place. 

The reunion continued to be planned in honor of Joe Bauer and in the location he wanted, the Orleans Hotel.  The dates of February 17-20, 2013 (Sunday - Wednesday a.m. on Presidents Weekend) were set about April 2012 and would give time to find AC Band and Band Review members. The reunion opened up later to attendees of AC Pasadena about 1964-1974, although it was not publicized heavily due to lack of emails and time. 

Bob Gerringer joined the committee late August or early September 2012.  He did not have an outside job at the time so had time to work on this reunion.  Registration was done through Evite that Carol set up.  Bob and Connie Gerringer made a couple of trips to Las Vegas and made many of the arrangements there for the reunion.

About 65 attended this reunion in Las Vegas.  Guests (employees of that era, spouses, those outside of these target years, etc.) were welcome.  The atmosphere was upbeat and enthusiastic as classmates caught up with others’ lives over the years.

Time for fellowship and just talking was a priority.  Brenden’s Pub was a favorite hangout.  Meals were available at an inexpensive price at the French Market Buffet (approximately $8-$11 per meal) and we enjoyed our private area chatting and reminiscing at breakfast and at other meals.   The rooms were only $36 for a weekday night ($70 Sunday since it was a holiday weekend) with an additional $6 resort fee per day.

Panel discussions were a hit, featuring memories, band memories and other topics.  Some time was allowed to just enjoy the sight of Las Vegas.

The last dinner together was at Battista’s restaurant off the Strip on February 19.  Bob Gerringer asked to see how many wanted another reunion.  It was a resounding “YES.”  The consensus by a show of hands was to have the following reunion in two years in 2015 in the Pasadena area.  Bob Gerringer and Carol Stephenson Taylor would be the primary coordinators for this coming event.  Bill Hughes would be an “emeritus” consultant.


Below is the main part of a post by Bill Hughes on the AC General Message Forum on July 31, 2019, about the history of the “Band Banner” that was displayed at the AC SoCal Gathering July 27, 2019

History of the traditional reunion “Thanks for the Memories” banner
(this banner was created for the band reunion for Joe Bauer)


07/31/19 10:21 AM

#17730     EDIT     DELETE


Bill Hughes (1966)

Carol Daniels (Dean)  #17686   Re: About the Band Banner

George Dean (saxophone) and I (rhythm guitar) played in the AC big band together under the amazing leadership of the late great Joe Bauer.  The following is how the Band Banner came into existence. 

On the left side of this website’s Home Page is a link titled ‘History of this Website’.  It was written by Jean Ehlert and Bob Gerringer which includes how these reunions were re-started after a 20 year gap.  I have added a bit more here. 

About the year 2000 I had a 3 hour lunch with Joe on a trip home through Las Vegas where he then lived.  We talked about getting the band together for a social reunion.  He said he knew his way around town and would take care of all the logistics if I would find the people.  I passed on it  because I had lost touch with all AC/WCG people except Ambassador Report friends.  Besides, there would be plenty of time in the future, I thought. 

In June, 2011, news of Joe’s lung cancer hit me like a ton of bricks!  I remembered that I never followed through on Joe’s suggestion for a band reunion - something we both thought would be fabulous fun.  Now, when I talked to him on the phone he said he would love to have that reunion.

Somehow Carol Stephenson (pianist in the AC big band) found out I was scrambling to find band members for Joe and she immediately joined me in late summer.  Unfortunately Joe died that year on Christmas morning.  Carol and I decided to postpone our scheduled February, 2012 reunion for an entire year to find more people and to accommodate people's schedules.  This first  'AC Band and Friends Reunion 1964-1974‘ was held at The Orleans, Las Vegas, February 17-20, 2013 where Joe had asked to have it even though he lived in the City of Orange in southern, CA.  The 2017 AC Reunion was also held at the very same venue (The Orleans).  As usual, Joe knew best.

Now to answer your question about the creation of the Band Banner.  That is to the credit of Carol Stephenson who emailed me:  "All I want is a banner for Joe."  I forwarded her email simply as a FYI to my sister whose husband was a partner at Architects West in Coeur d'Alene, ID.  His business had the capability to print banners but I didn’t know that.  None of my family members have ever been involved with the WCG (I was the black sheep of our family), yet he offered to pay for creating and printing a banner!  WOW!  He asked how big and I said the biggest you can print.  I have no idea what that banner cost but it has been used at every reunion since and resides in the possession of Bob Gerringer in Altadena.  As for the artwork of the banner, Carol scanned some photos from one of the Envoys.  My brother-in-law paid one of his employees to create the artwork on her personal time.  She offered three renditions and Carol and I chose the one you saw.  This is how the Band Banner came to be ...

I am told at this recent 2019 Reunion the banner was put up on the east wall (kitchen side) in the student center.

Banner with one clef (selected)








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