AC-related Websites

Ambassador College Big Sandy
Alumni and Reunion Website for Ambassador College Big Sandy.  Click Here

Ambassador College Bricket Wood
Alumni and Reunion Website for Ambassador College Bricket Wood.  Click Here

Transcripts for Ambassador College Campuses
Ambassador College's Academic records are maintained by Grace Communion Seminary in California. For a "Transcript Request Form", Click Here

Ambassador College Envoys Online
This is the primary source for The Envoys and other AC memorabilia, including AC bulletins:  The Envoys are available in pdf format except 1978 (No Envoy but a student handbook is available), 1993, 1995 and 1997.  There were no Envoys published in 1948-1950, 1954, 1970, 1975-1977, and 1982 (although some of the campus student pictorials are available for 1974-1977).  Click Here

Ambassador College Big Band with Joe Bauer
Listen to some actual AC Big Band music, recorded live.  Click Here

Ambassador College The Young Ambassadors
Music, singing & dancing for the WCG Festivals.  Click Here

PYSO plays Gershwin at the Ambassador
Spring PYSO Ambassador Auditorium concert, May 5, 2012: Tribute to George Gershwin.  Click Here

Guide to the Ambassador Auditorium Collection  (owned by Standford University)
Archive of every Ambassador Auditorium concert from 1974 through 1995.  Click Here

Ambassador Mansions & Gardens Wedding Venue
Potential venues for weddings and other special events.  Click Here

Beautiful Photos of Ambassador College  (copyrighted)
Pictures of Ambassador College from various photographers.  Click Here

Article and Slideshow on the Builder's website
Information regarding the townhomes being built on the former AC Campus.  Click Here

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