Ambassador College Pasadena

2015 Pasadena Reunion Photos
Reunion Photo-sharing
Our official Reunion photographer, Judd Kirk, has helped me set up the photo-sharing website SmugMug.com. Below are instructions for management of our Reunion photos. Upload and download, for no charge, as many photos as you would like............bobg
Viewing photos on SmugMug:
- Click on this link: AC Pasadena Reunion Pictures.
- Click on either the “Attendeees’ Photos” gallery or the “Judd Kirk’s Photos” gallery.
Uploading Reunion photos to the “Attendees’ Photos” gallery on SmugMug:
- Click this link: Upload AC Pasadena Reunion Pictures.
- Click “CLICK To BROWSE.”
- Select the photo(s) on your PC that you want to upload to the gallery titled “Attendees’ Photos."
- After upload is complete, click “View Completed Files”, then click “DONE."
Downloading Reunion photos from either the “Judd Kirk’s Photos” gallery or the “Attendeees’ Photos” gallery on SmugMug:
- Follow the two steps in "Viewing photos on SmugMug" instructions above.
- Then right click on photo to be downloaded to your PC.
- Select “Save Image As,” then select the destination location on your PC.
- Note: “BUY” in green box is neither required nor necessary, but it is an option provided by SmugMug.