Ambassador College Pasadena
AC Envoys
Ambassador College operated for fifty years, beginning the fall semester of 1947, and closing after graduation in June 1997. The Pasadena, California, campus operated 1947-1990. The Bricket Wood, England, campus operated 1960-1974. The Big Sandy, Texas, campus operated 1964-1997.
The Envoy, Ambassador College's yearbook, was produced for 40 of those 50 school years.
[No Envoy was produced at the end of the school year in:
1948, 1949, 1950, 1954, 1970, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1982.]
The link below provides access to every Envoy that was produced except 1993, 1995 and 1996 (1978 had a student pictorial instead of a full Envoy), The site says they will eventually add those remaining Envoys. They also have already loaded additional AC memorabilia including some of the student pictorials for years in which there was no Envoy.
Click Here to open ( to see The Envoys