In Memory sorted alphabetically

Jim Aschenbrenner - Year Entered 1965

Jim Aschenbrenner

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04/02/15 12:52 PM #1    

Helen Hohertz (Nelson) (1961)

Remember what could have been a disasterous Chorale concert in the San Gabriel Auditorium one year when the concert theme was WWII patriotic songs, including "Over There", "White Cliffs of Dover", "You're in the Army Mr. Jones," and military anthems of the army, navy and marines. The guys were all dressed in various military uniforms. Jim, in character as a gruff, tough-as-nails sergeant barking out orders to "Mr. Jones" was scheduled to sing one of the solos.  The day of the concert Jim came down with larygitis and there was no understudy, so the show must go on!  When Jim began his solo, all that came out of his throat was a gravelly squeak, the absolute opposite voice of his character!  Fortunately, the audience laughed and the rest of the concert continued without a hitch.  Charles Shirk sang a particular tear-jerker version of "My Buddy".  Fun days in AC chorale!

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