In Memory sorted alphabetically

Val Aspenns - Year Entered 1960

Val Aspenns

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02/01/15 08:22 PM #1    

Charlene Douglas (Mathe) (1960)

02/01/15 08:23 PM #2    

Charlene Douglas (Mathe) (1960)

Val was such a great guy! I can't remember the occasion of this picture dated August 1962. It seemed to have something to do with the local church back in Chicago; but I don't remember attending any events there after going to  A.C.

02/03/15 02:03 PM #3    

Steve Frandsen (1975)

I worked with Val at the MPC in 77-78 ish.  He was a great guy. Sad to hear that he is gone.

07/01/24 02:08 PM #4    

Daniel (Formerly Dennis) Cafourek (1966)

Certanly don't expect to compete with Charlene's picture of such an attractive couple...but after everyone spends enough enjoying the photo...perhaps I may say a few (idle?) words to commemorate Val.

Val was older than I, and I did not really know him, just knew of him.  In fall of 1969 when I was going through

more difficult times, Val must have seen I needed some encouragement.  He invited me to join him and we

did many things together.  We often double-dated, once snow skiing...we saw True Gritt together and a movie starting Glen Cambell (Glen was also in True Gritt).

Though I was never was a member of the Spokesman's Club he was in, somehow he invited me and I was accepted.  I remember the club outing...someone had butchered a lamb or goat, and was roasting it on a spiccot or whatever thing that rotates  it over the fire.

During the fall/winter of 1969, we watched some Minnesota Viking football games.  He knew the Vikings were a good team and enjoyed watching them...even though he was a Chicago Bears fan.

(Hey, I didn't say he didn't have any faultssmiley)


It was just a joy being in his presence as we would tease each other quite merilessly.

When he married Cindy...not sure why...but he didn't seem to have that much time for me anymore...I felt

rejected.  (Surely I jest).

I was saddened by his suffering and his death so long ago now.  

All I can say is he was a real friend.  And as they say, 

A friend in need (yours truly) is a friend (Val) indeed.

(used to say that a friend who will help someone when it is needed is a friend in deed)

07/02/24 10:38 AM #5    

Larry Van Landuyt (1960)

Great pic from way back when, Charlene. I dormed with Val on the first floor of Manor Del Mar our freshman year. I agree with the other comments that he was a great guy. One thing I found rather perplexing/humors about him at that time was that he ironed almost everything he wore. Especially strange to me (maybe I was the strange one) was seeing him ironing his underware (jockey briefs).

About the picture: If anyone can read the letters on the wall above your heads maybe the location and event will be revealled. Remember dates on pictures like this tell when the film was developed, not when the pic was taken. My guess would be that this was an AC dance near the end of our Sophomore year. 

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