From Robert Gentet:
Celebrate the Life Cherish the Memories
William John 'Bill' Berndt January 22, 1941 – December 2, 2014
Memorial Service: April 18, 2015, 1:30 p.m. PST, Clarkston Center, Walla Walla Community College, Multi-Purpose Room, 1470 Bridge Street, Clarkston, WA.
In loving memory: When you live in the heart of those you love remember then, you never die. Rabindranath Tagore.
A potluck reception will follow the service. Please bring a finger food or sweet treat to share. Coffee and tea will be provided. Donations are welcome to cover the costs of the service and establish a scholarship at Walla Walla Community College, Clarkston Center in Bill’s name.
RSVP: shellybush@hotmail.com, leveque.b@gmail.com, rnation@fextex.com. Submit photographs of Bill to leveque.b@gmail.com for a video slideshow by April 2, 2015.
Cledice Decker (1959)
From Robert Gentet:
Deceased Classmate: William Berndt
Date Of Birth: Jan-22-1941
Date Deceased: Dec -2-2014
Age at Death: 73
Cause of Death: Cancer
Classmate City:
Classmate State:
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By:
Robert Gentet (1957)
Charlene Douglas (Mathe) (1960)
Sorry to learn that Bill Berndt passed from cancer. It looks like he found a very positive career in education and enjoyed a good life!
Helen Hohertz (Nelson) (1961)
Bill and former wife, Diana Dick, had two sons. I believe the eldest was called Billy, probably named after his dad.
Sharie Stromli (Meyer) (1962)
Sad to hear. Brings up many fond memories of good times in Bill's company.
Robert Gentet (1957)
Obituary William John ‘Bill’ BerndtWilliam John ‘Bill’ Berndt, 73, passed away on Dec. 2, 2014 at Mansfield, Georgia. He was born on January 22, 1941in Tyndall, South Dakota to Arthur and Louise (Grimme) Berndt.
In his Last Will and Testament, Bill expressed the following: “I now make this last statement which serves as my account of “me.” If I should die and leave my heirs all the riches the world has to offer they would experience no lasting increase. But if those who have known me have observed the love of Jesus Christ in me then God is glorified. That love came only through recognition of my sinful state, repenting of that sin, and receiving God’s free gift of forgiveness and a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I sought to obey the Lord Jesus Christ (although I failed in my own strength many times). When we repent and receive Christ as Lord and Savior then God graciously grants us the power and the desire to do His will. God shows us the way to repentance and shows us the truth of His Word. I have prayed that each one who reads this will come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have also reduced my thoughts to writing in my books and encourage everyone to explore those for further insights as to God’s work in this world.”
Bill grew up in Tyndall, South Dakota. He graduated from Tyndall High School in 1959. After high school he attended college at Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA where he earned a Bachelor’s degree. After college he worked for Ambassador College for several years. Bill moved his family to the Pacific Northwest where he continued his education earning a Master’s and a Doctor of Education degrees at the University of Idaho. He was employed at Lewis-Clark State College for several years before joining the staff at Walla Walla Community College, Clarkston Campus as the Coordinator of Student Services and Counselor. He first began work at the college in 1985 and retired in 2003. Bill was instrumental in forming the Associated Student Body, establishing the library, and creating a fitness center for students and staff, volunteering many hours of his own time to help build the center. He will be remembered as a strong student advocate.
Bill dearly loved his family. Bill married Diana Dick in 1966 in Los Angeles, CA. He was proud of his sons and enjoyed his grandchildren only as a proud and happy Grandpa can. He also enjoyed gardening, cooking, entertaining friends, fishing, camping and travel. He was firmly convinced that “the message that we have heard from the beginning is to love one another” through the power of agape Spirit love as published in his MegaMeaning trilogy in July 2014.
Bill was preceded in death by his parents, Arthur Berndt and Louise Grimme Berndt; 3 brothers, Roger Berndt, Arthur Berndt, Jr, and Myron Berndt; a sister, Alice Reit and ex-wife Diana Berndt.
Bill is survived by son William Berndt of Mansfield, Georgia; son, Andrew Berndt of Council, Idaho; brother, Loren Berndt of Harrisburg, South Dakota; sister, Arliss Hellman of Tabor, South Dakota; sister, Sharon Olsen of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; 8 grandchildren, nephews, nieces and other relatives.
A graveside service was held on Dec. 8, 2014 at the Madison City Cemetery, Madison, Georgia. A Life Celebration service will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at Walla Walla Community College, Clarkston, Washington. Robert Gentet and Robert Nation will officiate.
Robert Gentet (1957)
One of my many visits with Bill. He was living in Vancouver, Washington, across from Portland, at this time in 2003. I still miss him a lot, after all these years.