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Sep 12, 1995 — Bill Defoort age 43 of Mobridge South Dakota will be held on ... In 1973 he began College at Ambassador College in Pasadena California.
Ron Bailey (1973)
Bill Defoort was in my dorm my first year at college. We shared space in Manor Del Mar and he was one of the more memorable characters. He was built like a lumber jack and had the most wonderful and lyric tenor voice. He was elected freshman class president, and you couldn't help but like and look up to this gentle giant of a man. We had endless fun pretending to be effeminate. So much so that many of the female coeds weren't certain about all of the "Cattle Car" orientation. I believe that he was only at Pasadena for one year, and then he returned to Manitoba. Even so, I will always treasure knowing Mr. Build De Fort.