In Memory sorted alphabetically

Charles Dorothy - Year Entered 1955

Charles Dorothy

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02/01/15 09:45 AM #1    

Robert Macdonald III (1958)


In Memory of Charles V. Dorothy  
by Robert Macdonald
Charles Dorothy was an endearing personality during the middle years of Ambassador College.  An eurdite speaker, his courses and sermons were always fascinating and kept evryone's attention.  His course in International Relations was fascinating and well attended.  He made the topics he addressed come alive! 

Dr. Dorothy was an unsung hero of those days.  He stepped out where others feared to tred.  If he thought some topic or Church doctrine was wrong, he said so, but he was able to state it in a way that made it acceptable to those above him.  That skill worked for awhile, but his integrity and zeal for the truth eventually got him in hot water with the "powers that be".  His job was downgraded to a "research" position and later he was laid off.  He paid the price for "standing up for the truth"!  His guts for holding fast for the truth was an encouragement to many others who followed him!

My wife and I had been invited to his home in Altadena several times.  He was approachable.  He listened to our questions, gave thoughtful answers and never talked down to anyone. He never suggested that anyone had a "bad attitude", instead leaning over backward to see the other person's point of view.  He was a standout in the ministry and an altogether nice person! 

He was a "stand up guy"!   I remember during the late 60's the college assemblies were held in the Moose Hall adjacent to the campus.  A guest speaker opened his remarks by reciting John 3:16 and invited everyone to join in.  John 3:16!  The student body panniced!  Wouldn't that be too "Protestant"? Everyone gasped!  Should we do that?  Without hesistation Charles Dorothy who was seated down front in the faculty section, stood up and faced the student body.  He raised his arms and started reciting along with the speaker.  Everyone joined in!   

02/02/15 10:04 AM #2    

Lyle Nelson (1962)

I too, hold Dr. Charles Dorothy in the highest regard.  Having graduated from AC in 1966 I took his International Relations course and found both the subject matter, and Dr. Dorothy's presentation of the facts, theories, and views of international political science to be fascinating.  I believe Dr. Dorothy strived to be an honest and true research scholar.  Personally, he treated me with a high degree of personal respect and acceptance.  Always friendly and charming.  I was greatly saddened to learn of his passing.  



02/03/15 09:33 AM #3    

Janet Barnett (Freibergs) (1959)

Charles Dorothy: the essence of authenticity. How warm, caring, encouraging. He was an inspiration to me and, I would guess, everyone who knew him.  If I wanted to see Spirit walking down the street, I'd look to Charles Dorothy.  (Or maybe Spirit driving a car, to him in his itsy-bitsy Honda!)

03/25/15 03:20 PM #4    

Steve Frandsen (1975)

I liked Dr Charles V. Dorothy: intelligent, humble, ahead of his time in the environment. He encouraged me in a rough time calling my trouble "a feather in my cap". He was a good guy who challenged the status quo without undue attitude. Condolences to his family.

01/08/24 01:33 AM #5    

Gene Nouhan (Nouhan) (1974)

Dr. Dorothy always made himself available to students. He was  genuine.

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