Lloyd James Obituary
Lloyd Jesse James
January 4, 1942 - August 31, 2023
Sacramento, California - Lloyd Jesse James was born on January 4th in 1942 in Denver, CO. He grew up in Pleasant View and attended Golden High School before moving to California at the age of 18. He joined the Worldwide Church of God's Ambassador College in 1961 in Pasadena, CA and worked as a truck driver before starting his career in insurance. He moved to Santa Rosa and met the love of his life, Doris Ann Porter. They married in 1972, moved to Sacramento, and had two kids- David and Stephanie. His favorite hobbies were reading, watching old westerns, rooting for the Denver Broncos, and studying the Bible. He was devoted to the church and his faith and was always willing to lend a hand, give a ride, or help someone in need. In his later years he enjoyed sitting in the sun while painting, puttering around his yard, and having his daughter take him to the beach. His beloved wife, Doris, passed away on July 24, 2021, after 48 years of marriage. He is survived by his children, his "favorite" sister, Julie, numerous extended family, and his friends from the church. He will be laid to rest with his wife at Camelia Memorial Lawn Cemetery.
Published by The Sacramento Bee on Sep. 10, 2023.