Put on Facebook by a niece:
Hello everyone. I am on my Aunt's page to sadly announce that on Sunday, July 3,2016, my amazing aunt, Sandra L Kotora, passed away. She was an amazing person and will be missed sooo much. Please feel free to message me Courtney Cardona-Simpson for more details. We will be having a memorial on Tuesday, July 12 at Advent Presbyterian. I will have time shortly and will anounce. If you want to send flowers or cards please message me and I will give you the address to send them.
Cledice Decker (1959)
From Susan Blumel-Berg on the Big Sandy Reunion website:
SANDIE KOTORA. By searching around a little more online, I was able to find work records for Sandie. She had been employed in Cordova, TN as an RN and Clinical Hypnotherapist at Lifesource for Health, EnVision Wellness.
Gene Nouhan (Nouhan) (1974)
Very sad to hear this. I dated Sandy. She was a precious person.