In Memory sorted alphabetically

Dennis Luker - Year Entered 1960

Dennis Luker

From Robert Gentet

This letter from Robin Webber (Chairman of the Council of Elders) was addressed to United Church of God members and posted to the  UCG Members’ Website .

Dennis Luker


This letter is to inform you that United Church of God president, Dennis Luker, died today, March 14, 2013. He spent his last physical days residing in his hometown of Seattle, Washington, surrounded by his loving wife, LeeAnn, and their immediate family.

Thank you for your prayers and fasting during this challenging time for them, and for God’s blessings on this transitional period for the United Church of God. Our Heavenly Father’s will for Denny has been made known at this time—even though it is not news that we humanly desire. At the same time, I am reminded of his constant encouragement to reflect on the promising words of Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Mr. Luker knew “that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25) and now awaits the trumpet call with so many other faithful saints down through the ages (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). I know that LeeAnn would ask us all to continue to pray for others who are challenged with spiritual, emotional and health issues—and that God will grant His peace to them (Philippians 4:6-7).

Dennis and LeeAnn, as a pastoral couple, have given 50 years of their lives in service to others. And yes, they truly came as a “couple.” They are loved far and wide beyond our own Church sphere, throughout the entire Church of God community. He brought an enthusiasm for speaking of the always-present love of God and the necessity of having Jesus Christ as the center of our lives.

Denny’s service to the United Church of God had a dynamic impact not just recently, but also in our formative years. He served on the original Advisory Council of Elders in 1995. Since then he has served as a member of the Council of Elders, as a church pastor, as a regional pastor, been part of the Ministerial Services team and of recent years, our Church president.

Please remember LeeAnn, the children, the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren and all their family members—in our prayers that God will grant them comfort in this most challenging of life’s chapters. More details will be forthcoming regarding pending memorial services.

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05/03/15 03:08 PM #1    

Steve Frandsen (1975)

I think I heard Dennis Luker speak. When I was new in the WCG our local preacher who knew him in Bricket Wood referenced him and recalled the apostle Paul's warning to "beware of filthy lucre" and applied it to Dennis. NO OFFENCE meant to his memory or family - just a local 60s "in joke" that I was not in on. Meant as a happy memory of him. Condolences to his loved ones.

01/08/24 01:57 AM #2    

Gene Nouhan (Nouhan) (1974)

I started attending the WCG after his evangelistic meetings in 1971-72 in Detroit Mi. Dynamic speaker,

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