What a Wonderful, Loving Tribute Dan prepared in Honor of his mother!
These photos portray the real, genuine Shirley. She never had to get dressed
up to go somewhere as she was dressed up every day. We lived next door to
the Apartians on South Orange Grove for 4 years after we were transferred
back from Australia. Our son Richard was about the same age as Dan therefore we saw quite a bit of the boys during that time. Shirley and I shared turns to take the boys to school and had set days for each to do so. She had a strict scheduleand things were planned well in advance. Having been a field minister's wife this was impossible for me to do but I admired Shirley for being able to accomplish this. However I did smile each time I looked out my kitchen window and saw Shirley sweeping off her front porch dressed in hose and heels!
She was a lovely lady very devoted to her beliefs, her family and dear friends.
She faithfully had Annie Mann over for dinner the same evening each week.
I am told that Shirley was a superb seamstress and that she was very discerning in
choosing high quality fabrics for each project.
Our prayers and thoughts are with the family and friends left behind and we know