In Memory sorted alphabetically

Mignon Newton (Kirishian) - Year Entered 1962

Mignon Newton (Kirishian)

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04/08/15 06:51 AM #1    

Joan Goodchild (Elliott) (1962)

Mignon was a freshman when I was in 1962.  She was very smart and always ready to help others with their schoolwork.  She was friendly to everyone and a very hard worker.  She was an especially wonderful person. 

05/25/15 06:42 PM #2    

Milo Wilcox (1961)

What Joan said is true. Very smart and dedicated. Roger Foster and I first met in in about 1964 when she was living in the Ponca City, OK area.I lot track of her and am saddend that she is now "in memory". Milo Wilcox

07/10/15 11:19 AM #3    

Candace Hamilton (Bohonik) (1969)

Mignon was one of the brightest women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.  I had met her in my early years at AC, and we became good friends after my husband and I moved to the Seattle area.  She was wise, generous, and adventurous, always thinking of others and reaching out to them in her own quiet way, and always so very kind and thoughtful towards my children as they were growing up.  I will always remember her bright eyes and her laugh.  

Mignon is survived by her husband Arthur, who attended the AC Pasadena Reunion, two lovely daughters, and several grandchildren.  



07/11/15 12:34 PM #4    

Charlene Douglas (Mathe) (1960)

Mignon was a unique and unforgettable person!  So sorry to hear that she has passed. It sounds like she had a full and wonderful life!

08/15/16 08:30 AM #5    

Ann J (Johan) (1965)

So sorry to hear about Mignon.  Too soon! When I moved off campus prior to getting married - Mignon and I shared an apartment together.  She got married the same day as I did - we were so conservative- we shared our wedding flowers since we both were married in Del Mar Gardens.  She contacted me several times after she had children.  Then over the years we lost contact.  Lots of great memories together.  

11/11/17 02:42 PM #6    

Sharie Stromli (Meyer) (1962)

Sometimes it is the odd little things that are remembered about a classmate, things done or said, things observed.  That is how it is with Mignon and me.  Our sophomore year we were both in Murphy House (top floor).  My room was sort of the open plan with 3 other rooms opening off it, meaning anyone wanting to get to those rooms required walking through the room I shared with Connie Sandoval.  Very AC sort of arrangement, don't you know.  That year, Mignon decided that she needed a winter coat.  Why she did not buy one, I do not know.  No, not our Mignon.  She sewed one working with a heavy wool fabric and lining with finished buttonholes.  It took her a while.  I remember her standing in her doorway modeling the finished project.  It was beautiful and beautifully constructed.  An impressive job.

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