Alan J. Redmond
October 25, 1952 -- April 26, 2021
Attended Bricket Wood 1972 -- 1974
Graduated from AC Pasadena -- 1975
GCI minister
Died in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Married 45 years to Carolyn Anderson
They have 3 children and 6 grandchildren.
Obituary, written by daughter Jennifer, was published May 5, 2021:
Alan James Redmond
On the morning of April 26, 2021, a soft rain fell, and Alan James Redmond, beloved Husband, Dad, and Pa, lost his courageous battle with cancer at Riverview Health Centre. Despite a terminal diagnosis, Dad lived his final year full of joy and tubs of vanilla ice cream. Dad was born on October 25, 1952 in Dublin, Ireland. Son of a Catholic dad and Protestant mam, Dad came from humble beginnings. One of four children, his childhood was full of love, sports, mischief, and knitted jumpers. Dad had great respect for his father and always praised his mam’s unconditional love. As a floppy-haired beatnik, Dad began his studies in engineering, but his calling led him to achieve a Masters of Divinity. His adventurous spirit led him first to Bricket Wood, England and then to Pasadena, California where he met and fell head over heels for our Mom. Dad wasted no time in sealing the deal and they began their life together in the midst of a true Winnipeg winter, wind chill and all. We believe this may have been where his fondness for socks and sandals began.
A couple of years later, Dad’s career transferred them to Alberta, where three little ones completed their young family. We conquered the bunny hills of the Rockies before moving to the East Coast. Although we never mastered playing the spoons, we felt like honorary Maritimers and fell in love with the beauty of the people in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, as well as the hard tack and jarred moose meat. In 1996, with teens in tow, our family was transferred back to the Prairies. Here, our family grew to include in-laws and grandbabies, something our family had always missed as we lived thousands of miles away from our extended family. Many of our most treasured family memories have been the trips we took to visit our family in Ireland and the States. Dad was never late for anything and we quickly learned that if you weren’t 15 minutes early, you were late. This mantra carried over to our 5 AM starts to countless family road trips. Dad put up with an endless barrage of, “Are we there yet?”, in his determination to attain one million clicks in his Toyotas. Dad had a love of learning and was an avid reader. Passionate about archaeology and studying other cultures, he was a gifted linguist and often threw big words around. We joked he was a bit cerebral, but it always helped when we were working on school papers.
Dad’s zest for life was never more evident than in his final year with us. Dad felt honoured to serve the church for 46 years and strived to build a solid foundation for its future. Some of Dad’s accomplishments included helping Hands of Hope and Sierra Leone Educational Project achieve charitable status. The Table of Grace food bank, which serves families in the church’s community, was launched with the help of many volunteers.
Last spring, our parents finally took a trip together without children. It was amazing that they picked a destination because they were always so agreeable with one another that they often changed their minds to the other’s point of view. Dad spent his final summer with his family, RV style, exploring Manitoba. Dad loved sharing time at the Jets games with his children and grandchildren. His carpe diem philosophy was balanced by a knowledge of what was important in life...spending time with those you love. He had an unwavering love for his family. In the last few months of his life, he cherished his time with Mom and their, “soft launches,” in the mornings. She lovingly cared for him in his final months and always put his needs first, just as he always put his family first. His selflessness, kindness, and patience were unparalleled. Dad loved us kids, but the sheer joy on his face, when he saw his young grandchildren, was second to none. Finn, Kian, Greyson, Lydia, Isla, and Rex were his whole heart.
Dad is survived by the love of his life Carolyn, daughter Jennifer (Brian), son Stephen (Rayna), son Derek (Lanyse), brother Paul (Colette), sister Deirdre (Tom), and brother Richard (Caroline), as well as many brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces, and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, we would like to honour Dad’s generous spirit with random acts of kindness or a donation to Hands of Hope P.O. Box 3864, Winnipeg, MB R2W 5H9. Online donations can made through Canada Helps https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn33078
To family and friends near and far, a bowl of ice cream, Kit Kat bar, or tin of sardines should be part of any celebration as we toast our Dad.
He will live on in our hearts, memories, prayers, and laughter forever.
Bob Gerringer (1967)
Alan J Redmond
October 25, 1952 -- April 26, 2021
On April 30, 2021, I posted this on the website's General Message Forum:
Death of Alan Redmond in Winnipeg, Manitoba
AC Pasadena grad and GCI minister
Connie and I are heartbroken. One of the finest men I know, our brother-in-law and friend, Alan Redmond, 68, died this week after a difficult eighteen-month battle with prostate cancer. He was married 45 years to Connie’s sister, Carolyn Anderson Redmond. A very close and loving family, all three of their children and all six or their grandchildren reside in Winnipeg.
Alan, born in Ireland in 1952, attended Bricket Wood until it closed in 1974, then spent his last AC year in Pasadena, graduating in 1975. His senior year was Carolyn’s third year at AC Pasadena – they met, dated, fell in love, conquered the difference in accents, and married in December after Alan’s graduation.
Alan was sent “into the field” in Canada, serving a number of different congregations until the WCG halted most ministerial relocations in 1995 – the year of their seismic doctrinal shift. The Redmond family had just been transferred back to Winnipeg where Alan had pastored earlier in his career.
And then, somehow, in 1996, just one year after the WCG upheaval, Alan led his new congregation in the purchase of an existing sanctuary, spacious and nicely appointed, from a previous church. It was on the edge of Winnipeg, surrounded by fields – and a quarter of a century later they still worship in that building, although the city has grown and the empty fields are gone. The congregation, with weekly attendance of about 125, is named Grace Christian Church, a congregation of Grace Communion International (aka GCI, known previously as the WCG).
Alan was interviewed in July 2019 by Winnipeg’s daily newspaper, the Winnipeg Free Press……..
……..and here are some selections from that interview:
“Members of Grace Christian Church created the non-profit ***Hands of Hope community program in 2002 which has provided home furnishings to over 50,000 families in Winnipeg, for free, since its inception. The church also serves as an outlet for Winnipeg Harvest [a food bank] and connects with 90 families on a weekly basis. The church also does mission work overseas.
[***Hands of Hope originated with two long-time church members, Charles & Sandra Norris, before the non-profit was officially formed. See the website to get a better feel for the outsized impact this community program has had on the needy in Winnipeg:
http://www.handsofhope.ca/about-us.html ]
“Grace Christian Church is embarking on a new 52-unit, four-storey condominium project called The Fairfield for its property at 50 Barnes St.
“Pastor Alan Redmond, who has served as the church’s pastor since 1995, said the Grace Christian has created a company to serve as the developer of the project which, in the long run, will provide a cash injection for the congregation as it looks to expand its charitable community work.
" ‘We thought that if we could retire some of our debt and maybe utilize the asset that we have — the building and land — a little differently, it would give us some funds to further move along in the direction we want to move,’ Redmond said.
" ‘We wanted to do something that would have an impact in the community,’ Redmond said. ‘Our overall goal is how can we be a servant to the community that we’re a part of. Obviously, we’re a church and we’re sharing the good news of God’s love with people, but we want to put a practical expression on that – but it takes money.’
“The two-acre plot of land was recently approved for subdivision. According to documents submitted to the City of Winnipeg, the condominium project will include a mix of one- and two-bedroom units and 63 parking spaces, 44 of which will be below ground.
“Redmond said [that] after expenses, the church hopes to earn [enough to] cover the mortgage on the existing church building and support its mission work into the future.”
[Since this article was written in 2019, the sub-divided portion being developed is being sold by Grace Christian to a local developer; once the sale is complete, the church will no longer need to be involved in the project.]
Many of the same accolades ascribed this week to Norman Smith similarly apply to Alan. Alan was, to me, the embodiment of what a Christian, and a Christian minister, should be: a selfless, kind, unassuming, humble, life-of-service minister – a servant to their congregation and a bright light of service to those in need in their community. Alan was very busy, very productive, and broadened significantly the stereotypical duties of a minister.
He was quite intelligent, with a businessman’s acumen and a project manager’s organizational skills – witnessed by his congregation’s farsighted property acquisition a quarter of a century ago, creation of the non-profit Hands of Hope in 2002, and the more recent church property subdivision and sale of that side of their property which will leave the congregation on solid financial footing for decades to come.
We are so sad for the family – Alan hoped to retire in the very near future so he and Carolyn could relax, travel, and enjoy their grandchildren even more than they already have. But that was not to be -- yet if ever there was a “good steward” to his family and his congregation, it was Alan Redmond.
Among many weddings Alan has conducted over the years were those of two of their children. Among many funerals Alan has conducted over the years were those of both of his in-laws, Connie and Carolyn’s parents – always with a calm, composed message of hope and remembrance. In fact, he officiated at his mother-in-law’s service only weeks before receiving his own devastating diagnosis in late 2019.
Alan was a fine, fine gentleman whom I admired a great deal. In reference to Norman Smith, Richard van Pelt modified a quote to read: “"The executives who traveled the high road of humility in the WCG were not bothered by heavy traffic." However, Alan and Norman no doubt crossed paths on that infrequently used metaphorical "high road of humility". And, of course, we can never predict if the good will die young or the good will die old, but it so happens that these two good men passed away at nearly the same hour this past Monday morning.
Connie and I knew well our brother-in-law Alan Redmond; we are so proud of him, miss him dearly, and grieve for Carolyn, his children and grandchildren, and his congregation.
He squeezed every possible ounce of "service to others" out of life.
Bob Gerringer (1967)
This tribute was written by Gary Moore and posted on the GMF on April 30, 2021:
Thank you to Bob and Connie Gerringer (36614) for their moving post announcing Alan Redmond's death, and the testimonial of his life, family and ministry.
Alan and I worked in adjoining pastorates in Atlantic Canada in the 1980's - he in Sydney, Nova Scotia, while we were in Halifax. Later, the Redmonds moved to Winnipeg (as Bob well recounted). In the role of National Director, in the early 2000's, I asked Alan to serve as District Superintendent for Western Canada (in WCG, and later GCI). Everything Bob wrote about Alan I can only echo. He was one of the hardest working, most dedicated people I've ever know. I relied on him a great deal, and so much appreciated his wisdom, vision, willingness to speak the truth as he saw it - and support the decisions we made as a management team. He always advocated for the pastors, and yet had a strong set of management skills and was willing to make the tougher decisions when needed.
As Bob mentioned, his church in Winnipeg was an example of a healthy church - it moved forward as the denomination did, and had a massive outreach into the wider community. The year after I retired, Wendy and I took a "bucket list" trip and drove our RV motorhome across Canada (during the summer of 2019). We drove back home through Winnipeg, and got together with Alan for dinner (Carolyn wasn't able to join us that evening, as she wasn't feeling well). After dinner, he was so excited to take us to the church building where the local congregation was hosting it's weekly food bank for people in the neighbourhood. There were substantial numbers of new immigrants and refugees in that area, and I believe 300 people were able to benefit from the effort that evening. What an example of pastoral leadership and service...that was the last time I saw Alan. I called him a few weeks back and we had a good chat. I'd hoped to call him one more time, just to express again my appreciation for his service, support and faithfulness, but unfortunately that won't happen now.
Enough from me - just a big "Amen" to what Bob and Connie said in their post - a wonderful testimony to Alan's life. My thoughts and prayers will be with Carolyn, their children and grandchildren, and the Winnipeg congregation.
..............Gary Moore
Janet Hofer (Scheuer) (1974)
Our family in Winnipeg is heartbroken following the loss of Alan Redmond as their pastor, leader and friend. Alan touched our lives in so many ways. First and foremost, as the minister and backbone of the Winnipeg congregation through upheaval and changes. He officiated many of my siblings weddings and family funerals over the past 25 years. As a bonus, we had the privilege of Caroline and Alan's company when we celebrated my mom's 90th Birthday in January, 2019.