In Memory sorted alphabetically

Sandra Scott (Dexter) - Year Entered 1959

Sandra Scott (Dexter)

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10/28/14 03:21 PM #1    

Cledice Decker (1959)

Just learned of the death of Sandra Scott Dexter (divorced from Allen).  Her sister-in-law called to say Sandy died last Thursday, October 23, 2014, at 2:00 PM after a long battle with cancer.  She was living in Phoenix.  She was a freshman along with me at AC in 1959.

02/03/15 04:01 PM #2    

Robin Connelly (1965)

Sandy cooked the first meal my family ate with others at the college, while we were visiting Pasadena in 1962.  She remained a friend for all those many years and while she still lived in Southern California, we were able to fellowship togehter.   We even worked together for a while in a small software company that I helped start. 

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