In Memory sorted alphabetically

Charles Vorhes - Year Entered 1961

Charles Vorhes

From Robert Gentet

Deceased Classmate: Charles Vorhes
Date Of Birth: Oct-1941
Date Deceased: March-2015
Age at Death: 73
Cause of Death:
Classmate City: Bridgeville
Classmate State: PA
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By:

An internet search revealed his death in Pasadena, CA. I could not locate an actual obituary from a mortuary or paper. Maybe some of the former students who remained in the Pasadena area could add more details. I remember Charles talking to me at length after the assassination of JFK. He was absolutely certain that someone else rather than Lee Harvey Oswald did the job and the evidence was clear from events surrounding the "grassy knoll." Since then, more evidence has come to light that this was probably the case. R.I.P.

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