Courtesy of Byron Norrod
Thursday morning, December 6, at 7:49 am, Harry Curley died. He had had a very tough last two days, and had come home from the hospital on Wednesday. The cause of death was Pancreatic Cancer.
Early in the morning the staff at Arcadia Gardens noticed that his breathing had changed and notified his niece, Lorry Abercrombie, that his time was probably very short. When he died, they called emergency services. After some attempts to save his life, they established the time of death.
Harry is survived by two sisters, his niece and grand niece, and Cindy's extended family.
We're very sorry to see the passing of yet another friend, but at his next waking moment, he will be in the presence of our loving God and our Savior, Jesus. Harry is now in his place of safety, awaiting the Resurrection, where he will again be able to meet with his beloved wife, Cindy.
A graveside service was held at Mountain View Cemetery in Altadena, CA, on December 13, 2018.
Cledice Decker (1959)
Harry was born in Alexandria, Virginia on May 25, 1946. He graduated from Ramsey High School in Ramsey, New Jersey and continued his education while serving in the Navy and later at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California.
Harry married his beloved wife, Cindy Dubry Aspenns on July 9, 1989. They were married for 25 years.
He served his time in the Navy on a submarine tender in San Diego. Here he first began writing computer code, a skill in which he excelled. He continued in that capacity with various companies including the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena and Countrywide in Simi Valley, California.
He enjoyed traveling, friends, good wine and family. He was an excellent photographer. He was dedicated to his church, the Christian Biblical Church of God headquartered in Hollister, California, Fred Coulter, Pastor.
A graveside service was held at Mountain View Cemetery in Altadena, CA, on December 13, 2018. The service was conducted by his good friend, Byron Norrod, and several friends and relatives gave fitting and humorous tributes to Harry's unique personality.