In Memory sorted alphabetically

Betty Bates (Michel) - Year Entered 1947

Betty Bates (Michel)

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02/24/15 08:41 PM #1    

Doris Allen (Cole) (1951)

Since Betty was the first female student she became somewhat of a mentor to the girl students. It is difficult to imagine what it must have been like for her to be there from the beginning of Ambassador and to be the only woman student.  I arrived on campus a few weeks before she graduated along with Herman Hoeh. I think she recognized how much I needed to learn to fit 'the program' and seemed to take me under her wing. Perhaps Betty saw working with me on my Arkansas twang as a real challenge. After Betty graduated Mr Armstrong selected her to teach a class for the women students.  It was called "Poise and Personality". Say those words aloud and fast and you will see it brought a lot of giggles.

My most vivid memories of the class are of when Betty had all the girls walking around the second floor of Mayfair with a book on our heads learning to walk 'like a lady' and teaching us how to carry a sweater or coat over our arm.  After the garment is folded properly never ever be caught with the arms facing the public.

Betty was a gracious lady in every respect. She was a delight to be around. Ambassador College was much richer as a result of Betty having been a part of it. Doris Allen Cole

03/09/15 12:04 PM #2    

Steve Frandsen (1975)

At the reunion I learned that Betty Bates was the first graduate of AC. What an honour! As such my condolences to her family.

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